Script Reader UK
"Fabulous … I will absorb and process this and do a second draft. Really useful and encouraging."
Julia Pascal
The Road to Paradise
"I found your report extremely encouraging and extremely useful. You’ve picked out pretty well everything I was trying to achieve, whilst pointing out some major issues that I felt needed addressing and wasn't quite sure how to deal with. Now I feel enthused to progress to the next stage."
Ian Fuller
Shakespeare’s Fools
"… a confident, well-written and organised report that benefits from good analytical work … you have clearly put in a lot of time and effort … intelligent and helpful."
The Script Factory
Script Reader
Scriptreader will write a synopsis of your story in three paragraphs that encapsulate the main action and emotional journey of your central character/s. The synopsis often provides stark and objective insight into the shape of your story. If we omit something you thought pivotal, the rest of the report will reveal why.
Premise report
The premise section will identify the type of story we think you’re trying to tell, what it’s about and the nature and meaning of your main character’s journey. We will consider whether you have achieved enough complexity, originality and credibility in dramatising the question raised by your premise. We will explore whether your protagonist is engaging in their struggle to achieve their goal and whether their source of antagonism is convincing and sustained. We will also unearth psychological levels that will enable you to enrich your story’s themes and consider whether you’ve chosen the genre best suited to those theme.
Optional Structure report
The structure section raises questions regarding the way in which you tell the story. Should your story adhere to a classic three Act structure, are the inciting incident*, turning points and climax identifiable? How does the release of information affect our engagement with your protagonist and the story’s ability to intrigue? Do you ‘pay-off’ the drama that you have suggested? Does your story contain subplots that reinforce the main conflict? Is your use of voiceover and flashback necessary? Is superfluous dialogue substituting the honesty of your characters’ actions? Have you refreshed or rehashed the genre?
Optional expanded annotation of reading notes and format issues
Unless you request otherwise, we will write encoded reading notes directly upon the script. This is chiefly for the reader’s benefit, in order to highlight specific problems, significant moments and points of expectation.
Should you choose, we can annotate a clarification of these notes. A further option provides annotation of any screenplay formatting issues.
Less is more
A rambling report is unconstructive and disheartening for the writer. With all our reports, we aim for quality over quantity in concisely addressing the story’s biggest issues. Once those stumbling blocks are crystallised you can view your story afresh, reclaim your original passion and go on to improve residual issues. Our job is to get you back on track.
*If required, a full glossary of screenwriting terminology will be included in your report.